Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. I personally found it at On the Verge a blog that has a wicked take on raising multiple children. Something I obviously have in common with both authors of the above mentioned blogs.
so today I am not going to...
1. I am NOT going to go outside and enjoy the warm weather..
2. I am not going to smile at adversity
3. I am not going to appreciate the splendor of my God
4. I am not going to turn off the computer and read a book.
5. I am not going to remember that I too have flaws.
6. I am not going to stress out if I can't figure out 10 things to say
7. I am NOT NOT NOT going to do laundry
8. I am not going to double check all the Bear's draft choices and see if they made a good choice.
9. I am not going to worry about the beasties.. err I mean teenagers
10. I am not going to forgive those who hurt me...
this was fun... I actually made 10 without much effort... I just wanted to make sure I told you all to NOT have a good day...
Oh I get it, it's opposite of what you are going to do.