So it is Thursday and I decided to join the Thursday 13 crew, for more information on this one go check out this blog and maybe come along for the fun..
13 Reasons I am Happy it is almost May
1. I live in Chicago.. hello april is considered a winter month..
2. I love May day.. as a child we would place baskets of flowers on the porches of our loved ones then leave (a sort of ritual ding dong ditch)
3. Flowers lots and lots of flowers
4. The air starts to warm and then dance upon your skin.. you feel it seep inside and brings you strength
5. The High School spring musical is always the First Sat in May
6. The days start to lengthen
7. Some of my favorite people in all the world were born in May
8. Memorial Day.. hey it s a great day
9. People come out of hibernation
10. Baseball is in full swing
11. Dreams start to become real
12. Summer escape is just a touch away...
13. Because May is a beautiful wonderful month full of promise and sunshine..
boy this was the easiest one ever