Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. I personally found it at On the Verge a blog that has a wicked take on raising multiple children. Something I obviously have in common with both authors of the above mentioned blogs. So I decided to give this NOT ME MONDAY concept a try.
I am not upset that my daughter deleted the video of her sister singing at the school spaghetti and a song program - the only copy from both families
I do not let it bother me that I found 7 plates strewn about the place, all dirty, none in the kitchen
I am not upset that the trash bag is still by the front door although all four have left and had to walk by the trash room when as they left the building.
It does not bother me that pita boy never seems to leave.
I am not going to do laundry although there must be 25 loads waiting to be done.
Wow, that was fun but I am not going to have to find more exciting things to not do next week.
Great idea! I did check out the two other blogs and it seems like a nice initiative. If you just say it often enough to yourself, you might even believe in it, or feel better about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd at least... we all get a laugh!
Not Me Mondays are very funny. And for the record, even though it's no longer Monday, I do NOT have 25 loads of laundry to do myself.