So I have been following Lola over at Lola's Diner and I decided to play along.. If you want to join in on the fun make sure and go see Lola's Diner and sign up..
Today's Topic is Music Shows.. I must admit this is an interesting one for me.. we weren't allowed to watch a lot of TV when I was a kid (oh we managed to sneak it in but....) Music shows well let's see I guess I would watch the Smothers Brothers... and Laugh In and the Carol Brunet show and as I became a teenager I watched Saturday Night Live. I know most are more variety shows but that is what we watched and loved.. I know I loved the Smother's Brothers. And in a tip of to Lin (cuz we are almost the same age..) I too watched the Partridge Family.. grins who could resist David Cassidy? And then there was Donny and Marie.. I admit it I watched it.
Most of our music TV watching was done at the Grammys or what not.. and like I said the occasional Variety Show..
Lola this one was a hard one.. music played a major part in my life but I didnt really watch it on tv...
Sorry to hear that. It didn't occur to me that some parents restricted tv viewing that much back then.
ReplyDeleteWe couldnt turn on the TV until after dinner.. Then we had one TV.. the priorities were.. News, Sports, Specials, THEN regular viewing.. and no saturday stuff after 9am...
ReplyDeletethey were TOUGH
oh yeah and i had to be in bed by 8:30 until I was 14 AND I lived on the West Coast so Prime Time didn't start until 8pm.. sheesh my parents sound like martinets.. they weren't
ReplyDeletePartridge Family ROCKS!! I mean, who can beat Chris on the drums (yeah, both of them) and Tracy on the tambourine???! Wow. Loved them. I always wished my mom was cool like theirs. I still have my Partridge Family albums, but I haven't played them in like a year or so. :)
ReplyDeleteI have to admit to liking Donny, but David was my first true love. Do you remember Bobby Sherman?? My cousin, Mary, loved him.
What's the deal with your parents??!