I was reading on Twitter and I discovered it was National Christina Dodd Day.. I wanted t o verify this fact so I went to Facebook.. and sure enough.. Christina said it was so.. It must be true.. It was on Twitter AND Facebook!!
Today is NATIONAL CHRISTINA DODD DAY!! (As declared by my good friend & fellow writer, Emily March.) We’re celebrating with a contest: Emily's March Madness. Register to win not only SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA & REVENGE AT BELLA TERRA, but even cooler, an advance reading copy of BETRAYAL, on sale April 3! And I'll autograph & personalize the books to you! Even better, register once & you'll be entered for a month of prizes. *Read the rules,* then sign up! http://tinyurl.com/7f9lrjw

and if you want to order the Bella Terra Series.. here's your chance..
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