Life changes and so have I! I am taking back my world.. I may be a Midwestern Mama But I was BORN a California Girl!
Friday, June 26, 2015
This Christians Thoughts on Gay Marriage
Today is going to be a day that goes down in American History.. The day the Supreme Court recognized gay marriage.
What does that mean to me? Well as a straight woman, very little really. I have always believed that true homosexuality was not a choice. The negatives of coming out as gay have always been higher than the positives.. a person who comes out chances, alienation of family and friends, bullying, and abuse.. sometimes even deadly. Who would "choose" that? But if it's who you are? Well.. what choice do you really have? I know as a Christian I am supposed to believe that it's a sin and I may have to answer for my opinions at some point. But even if it is a sin, it's not my sin and I have way too many of my own to judge someone else's..
Now that I have said that. Gay Marriage?
There are two sides of the problem or rather the term marriage. Secularly, marriage is a contract between two people. So why shouldn't we as a country allow gay marriage? It's a contract and contracts are written between individuals all the time, broken as well for that matter But here's where it gets sticky.. As a Christian, marriage is a covenant with God. A Covenant between one man and one woman.. hmmmmm..
So as a Christian, I think the gay activists need to recognize the Church's right to deny to marry you. Not to deny your marriage. See the difference? I don't feel that you have the right to enter a Christian Church and demand that they marry you. Don't say it won't happen, it already has.. and there will be people, powerful people who start mongering hate because they feel they have the "right" to be married in church. You do and you don't.
According to the first amendment the government doesn't have the right to infiltrate the church. It's that whole separation of Church and State thing. You can't claim it just when it suits you. Now it's time for you activists to truly step up... You've talked the talk for years now it's time to walk the walk.
Before you start screaming at me and calling me names.. Let's get this straight. I have never denied gay rights and I won't start now. What I am asking, no demanding is that you don't deny mine.. or any other Christian's rights. We have the right to separation of church and state. The right to follow their own rules and laws. Recognize and respect that. If you find a church that believes it's ok go for it. Shoot, adultery is mentioned as a sin in the Bible WAY more than Homosexuality is and churches regularly marry divorced people (that's considered adultery) and marry individuals who have been living together (that's supposed to be a sin a well). BUT don't go screaming into a church and DEMAND that they marry you.. that it's your legal right. It isn't. (Don't say this won't happen.. it will)
So my point? Congratulations.. as the leader of the Free World America should do just that, lead. But as the leader of the Free World we should lead in all areas, respecting the rights of all of our citizens and most importantly, respecting the rights that were built into this very nation. The guaranteed rights.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
It's Been Two Years and 85lbs
It's hard to believe that two years ago Mother's Day, I finally got fed up. I was tired of being fat! I made a decision and I meant it.
Two years.. the scale says I have lost 85 lbs which actually puts me 19 lbs behind schedule as my goal is a pound a week.. Gonna have to step it up this year, I have a wedding next June.
So.. two years.. My clothes tell me I have lost weight.. but sometimes I feel like nothing is happening. I thought check out some pictures taken around the same time of year.. actually all three in May really close to Mother's Day..
Yeah.. it shows. But I am still trudging on! This year's goal is actually 71 lbs, That will put me back on the average of a pound a week.. and will put me at 156 lbs lost.. and sadly, still not done.
The pound a week thing can be discouraging if you look at it that way.. I mean it's only a pound. And in all honesty that's really not how I lost it. I would loose weight, then plateau out, then loose some more.
But a pound a week is an excellent goal. Long term and healthy. You didn't take two weeks to gain that weight so don't plan on loosing it in two weeks. Or in my case, two years... in 1990 I was still way over weight but I looked like this
That's pretty much my next weight goal.. to look basically like that.. yeah it was 25 years ago so I am gonna have some huge differences but there's my goal for this year..
Oh and just a little side note.. The wedding I am attending?? It is for that beautiful baby boy in the picture!
It's Been Two Years and 85 lbs,
Three W Diet,
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Shame on Us
Last winter in France there was a huge uproar when several employees were shot and killed at the Charlie Hebdo location. There were marches against terrorism, outcry from the media, even the liberal left was outraged that President Obama wasn't there. Charlie Hebdo printed slanderous and insulting caricatures of Muslims. It was offensive material but they didn't deserve to die for it and the world reacted. Fought hard for free speech..
Fast forward a couple of months...
In Texas there was a "Draw Mohammed" contest and two people were shot and 1 killed by the same people involved in the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Was the work offensive? Yes, did people deserve to die over it? No!!
And to make things worse? Our media, our politicians are rushing to blame the victims. The very people who stood firm in the Charlie Hebdo case. The people who represent the country that created Free Speech. The leaders of the Country that used to be the Leader of the Free World.
Why are we not crying out in outrage? Why are we allowing this woman who organized this to be attacked? Was she right, no it was offensive but that shouldn't matter. The KKK has the right to march, Wesboro Baptist has the right to demonstrate. People are legally allowed to walk on the flag. These are all offensive but allowed by the right of Free Speech. Our first amendment rights.
We, as a nation should be ashamed. Especially those who are appalled by the behavior of the media and government. Why do we remain silent as our rights are stripped? Why do we remain silent as our country shatters?
Why is France, the country we dared to mock, leading us on what is right and how to stand for what they believe in? Why has France become the leader in Free Speech? All I have to say on that is Viva Le France!
It's time to shut up on political correctness. Be decent, accept others for who they are and be kind to one another. We don't need Political Correctness. Why do we accept it? It's POLITICAL.. it's not decent or proper or right.
So America, Shame on Us!
Fast forward a couple of months...
In Texas there was a "Draw Mohammed" contest and two people were shot and 1 killed by the same people involved in the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Was the work offensive? Yes, did people deserve to die over it? No!!
And to make things worse? Our media, our politicians are rushing to blame the victims. The very people who stood firm in the Charlie Hebdo case. The people who represent the country that created Free Speech. The leaders of the Country that used to be the Leader of the Free World.
Why are we not crying out in outrage? Why are we allowing this woman who organized this to be attacked? Was she right, no it was offensive but that shouldn't matter. The KKK has the right to march, Wesboro Baptist has the right to demonstrate. People are legally allowed to walk on the flag. These are all offensive but allowed by the right of Free Speech. Our first amendment rights.
We, as a nation should be ashamed. Especially those who are appalled by the behavior of the media and government. Why do we remain silent as our rights are stripped? Why do we remain silent as our country shatters?
Why is France, the country we dared to mock, leading us on what is right and how to stand for what they believe in? Why has France become the leader in Free Speech? All I have to say on that is Viva Le France!
It's time to shut up on political correctness. Be decent, accept others for who they are and be kind to one another. We don't need Political Correctness. Why do we accept it? It's POLITICAL.. it's not decent or proper or right.
So America, Shame on Us!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sherri Steenburgen Gone too Soon..
While Christmas always brings both laughter and tears, this year, this season, there are more tears than usual. Our family lost a dear one. My aunt left us to go home to God.. After battling cancer for several years she slipped away on the 23rd (or as my daughter calls it Christmas Adam).
Sherri was way to young to leave us and she left behind not just her brother, my dad, she left behind a daughter, a sister in law and several nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.. we are all grieving.
When I was five and my parents got married, I got awesome grandparents and a spectacular aunt in the bargain. Sherri was barely ten years older than me, a teenager with an exciting life of her own. But she always had time for me. I can remember visiting my grandparents and bringing my barbies along (I needed to do something) and Sherri would come out on the front porch and play with me, for hours if need be.
Or when she would babysit us, she would play "bartender" closing the pass through window between my parents kitchen and living room.. then we would knock and she would fling it open and snarl "what do you want?" we would order our drinks and Sherri would whip it up with Seven-Up and food coloring..
Simple things but the kind of memories I hold dear.
Sherri also gave me the most amazing gift, over and over again. Whenever I go home (to California) I spend most of my vacation going from family member to family member.. but Sherri, she would always call, check my schedule and then come to see me. You see, I was that important to her.
And of course she was never too busy for my kids, she taught them the importance of holding up the roof when going under a bridge (a family tradition I hadn't taught them). She went to amusement parks and family gatherings. She was the Steenburgen representative. And she brought her special joy to them. Teaching them another chapter in what family really is.
We all have a light that shines within us. Some of us are beacons, a call to the lost. Some are candles, a single light in the darkness. Some are like a flash, bright, stunning and blinding, gone in a moment all too soon. But Sherri, she was a firefly. Flickering and dancing into the gloaming, a magical moment, a joy. Gone too soon but leaving behind a happy, innocent memory. And like the firefly, Sherri could never live caged. To me Sherri will remain forever young, laughter and joy and forever missed.
Sherri was way to young to leave us and she left behind not just her brother, my dad, she left behind a daughter, a sister in law and several nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.. we are all grieving.
When I was five and my parents got married, I got awesome grandparents and a spectacular aunt in the bargain. Sherri was barely ten years older than me, a teenager with an exciting life of her own. But she always had time for me. I can remember visiting my grandparents and bringing my barbies along (I needed to do something) and Sherri would come out on the front porch and play with me, for hours if need be.
Or when she would babysit us, she would play "bartender" closing the pass through window between my parents kitchen and living room.. then we would knock and she would fling it open and snarl "what do you want?" we would order our drinks and Sherri would whip it up with Seven-Up and food coloring..
Simple things but the kind of memories I hold dear.
Sherri also gave me the most amazing gift, over and over again. Whenever I go home (to California) I spend most of my vacation going from family member to family member.. but Sherri, she would always call, check my schedule and then come to see me. You see, I was that important to her.

We all have a light that shines within us. Some of us are beacons, a call to the lost. Some are candles, a single light in the darkness. Some are like a flash, bright, stunning and blinding, gone in a moment all too soon. But Sherri, she was a firefly. Flickering and dancing into the gloaming, a magical moment, a joy. Gone too soon but leaving behind a happy, innocent memory. And like the firefly, Sherri could never live caged. To me Sherri will remain forever young, laughter and joy and forever missed.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Happy Veterans Day and Thank You
It's Veterans Day here in the States and I like to make sure I thank all of those who have served and fought for my freedom. ALL. OF. THEM!!
But I also like to honor and thank those of my family and friends who have given me my freedom at the risk of their lives...
But I also like to honor and thank those of my family and friends who have given me my freedom at the risk of their lives...
John Jensen
Bill Steenburgen
Guy Lile
Bill Steenburgen
Guy Lile
Kingdom LaBau
Harvey Lemming
Louis Branch
Joseph Busch
John Lill
Gerald Costin
Don Evans III
I know there are many more.. This year the names escape me.. But these are some of the nearest and dearest to my heart. Some were heroes, some were working soldiers, some were cooks, some were officers, some were not... some fought in wars, some served in peace time, Some have passed on and some still live but ALL of them gave of their time and lives.. so I thank them! From World War II to current day!! I am blessed!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Two Songs of 9/11
Once again we choose to take the time to remember what happened on this day thirteen years ago.
It was a day of infamy (to borrow an old phrase), a day of awakening. It was a day when we as Americans discovered that the wars of the world were coming to our front door.
It was a day of tragedy that eventually led us to a triumph of American spirit. It was a day where we stood side by side as Americans bound together and stood tall. We did not blink.
It was also a day that led to the creating of two songs that shared with the essence of the American Spirit. Something that needs to be remembered by friend and foe alike.
SONG ONE: Toby Keith's - Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue
Toby's song declared our wrath, our pain, our angry and our embarrassment. It showed that yes we were down but we weren't out. That we may grumble and complain, that we may bicker and squabble but when push comes to shove we are one people. We stand tall and together. We will not be pushed around.
Just try it and see what happens.
SONG TWO: Alan Jackson's - Where We're You ( When the World Stopped Turning)
Alan's song could be considered the weaker of the two, it isn't. It's a song of remembrance and a shared grief. It's a song that speaks to the heart. But to me, it's a song that reminds us of who we are. Sure we are a loud, loud boisterous, sometimes arrogant people but we are also a country of compassion and yes, love. We take our hurts to the heart but we don't let them break us. Instead we use them to bring us to triumph. In the end not with revenge but with compassion. We open our arms and our hearts to all, even those who have hurt us. This does not show our weakness as others may think. No, it shows our strength.
So why do these two seemingly contradictory songs remain in our hearts and minds? Because they show who we are, both sides of us. And they should remind others that while we want peace. Why we believe that everyone should have a right to exist. We are not weak. We will not be pushed. And if you think you can take us down? Bring it! We will not blink.
It was a day of infamy (to borrow an old phrase), a day of awakening. It was a day when we as Americans discovered that the wars of the world were coming to our front door.
It was a day of tragedy that eventually led us to a triumph of American spirit. It was a day where we stood side by side as Americans bound together and stood tall. We did not blink.
It was also a day that led to the creating of two songs that shared with the essence of the American Spirit. Something that needs to be remembered by friend and foe alike.
SONG ONE: Toby Keith's - Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue
Toby's song declared our wrath, our pain, our angry and our embarrassment. It showed that yes we were down but we weren't out. That we may grumble and complain, that we may bicker and squabble but when push comes to shove we are one people. We stand tall and together. We will not be pushed around.
Just try it and see what happens.
SONG TWO: Alan Jackson's - Where We're You ( When the World Stopped Turning)
Alan's song could be considered the weaker of the two, it isn't. It's a song of remembrance and a shared grief. It's a song that speaks to the heart. But to me, it's a song that reminds us of who we are. Sure we are a loud, loud boisterous, sometimes arrogant people but we are also a country of compassion and yes, love. We take our hurts to the heart but we don't let them break us. Instead we use them to bring us to triumph. In the end not with revenge but with compassion. We open our arms and our hearts to all, even those who have hurt us. This does not show our weakness as others may think. No, it shows our strength.
So why do these two seemingly contradictory songs remain in our hearts and minds? Because they show who we are, both sides of us. And they should remind others that while we want peace. Why we believe that everyone should have a right to exist. We are not weak. We will not be pushed. And if you think you can take us down? Bring it! We will not blink.
Alan Jackson,
Toby Keith,
Two Songs of 9/11
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