Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thanks to my Top Droppers

I wanted to take the time and really thank my top droppers this month. Especially since I have been woefully behind in my dropping.. shoot in my blogging, so much has been going on in my life that I just get overwhelmed but so many of you continue so I do thank each and every one of you.

Dropper # of drops
BMWF1Blog 31
DJ Tammy Squels 31
Scandinavian Ways - Winesworlds blog 31
1 Blog and 2 Sides 28
Proud Mommy 27
Parental Instincts 27
Lola's Diner 27
The Way I See It 27
Avoid Money Scams 26
Dungeon Siege Cheats 26


  1. You're welcome. Dang, a missed a few days, how did I do that?

    Thank you for the kind words on my blog. I really appreciate it.

  2. wow..im one of your top ten droppers...hehehe

    why my link is in blue? curious :D

  3. hey ho! first time dropping by ^^

    keep up the good work! :D
